HR Constituency Group

HR professionals at LHA member hospitals are invited to participate in the Healthcare Human Resource Constituency Group.

Annual HR Symposium - May 24; LHA Conference Center; Register

  1. Recruiting with Social Media
    Stafford Wood, Covalent Logic founder

  2. Social Care: The Best Complement to Healthcare 
    Dr. Holly Howat, Founder and Executive Director of Beacon Community Connections.
  3. The Employment Law Landscape in 2023 
    Daisy G Kane, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, Ochsner Health

  4. Joint Commission Human Resource Requirements 2023 
    Robert Campbell, PharmD, BCSCP; Clinical Director, Standards Interpretation Group, Director, Medical Management, The Joint Commission

  5. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Small Group Discussions: 
    Christopher Ford will moderate these group discussions


Useful Links:

HR Constituency Group Staff

Scott White

Director of Human Resources

& Senior Accounting Associate

225-928-­0026; ext. 214 

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